Our Mission
We will develop students to be Jesus’ disciples by instructing them in biblical teachings, individualized education, hands-on learning and academic excellence.
Our Vision
We exist to impact generations of students to become Jesus’ disciples that are leaders and entrepreneurs.
Core Values
Centered in Christ -
Mark 12:30-31
Fostering a Loving Community -
Romans 15:5 & Romans 12:10
Striving for Excellence -
Colossians 3:23- 24 & 1 Corinthians 10:31
Accountability -
Galatians l 6.1-2, Proverbs 2:2, Deuteronomy 6:4-8 & Proverbs 22:6
Godly Character -
Titus 2:7 & Romans 12: 2
Gracious Communication -
Titus 3:2 & Colossians 4:6
Code of Conduct
Generations Christian Homeschool is a supplement to parent-led learning and social training. Although each Generations Christian Homeschool (GCH) family is bound to have slightly different standards of behavior, the GCH Code of Conduct outlines standards that are in keeping with Biblical guidelines on which the majority of us have agreed and/or are beneficial in a group situation. This code of conduct is a living document and will be updated as needed in response to the needs of our community.